Make His Father's Day Special With These Quotes About Dads

Boy and girl watching father open Father's Day gift
Blend Images - Ariel Skelley/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Remember the movie "Junior," where Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the role of a pregnant man who goes through the rigor of labor and childbirth? While it was comical to watch Schwarzenegger carry a baby bump, the movie makes us think about fathers and their relationship with their offspring.
Many patriarchal societies create predefined roles for men and women. While the woman plays the role of principal caregiver, the father's role is relegated to outdoor accomplishments. As the provider for the family, the father has little or no role in raising children. Often he becomes a role model for sons and a disciplinarian for daughters.

Modern Day Dads

As societies modernized, they underwent a metamorphosis and social roles became fluid. Today, it is quite common for women to go out to work, and for men to be stay-at-home dads. Regardless of who the caregiver is, parenting is no child's play. Parents share equal responsibilities and duties while raising children.
Yet, somehow in the celebration of the mother, the good ol' dad is sidelined. Mother's Day has acquired the stature of a festival; Father's Day comes and goes without as much fanfare. New age dads do more than just go to the office. The dirty diapers, night feeding bottles, and the baby strollers are no longer a mother's domain alone. Many hands-on fathers have found a love for baby chores.
More than anything else, daddy is also "Mr. Fix-It." From a dripping tap to a broken heart, he can mend anything. A popular quote by Erika Cosby goes, "You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together." This Father's Day, tell your dad that you appreciate him. 

Fathers Are a Pillar of Strength

A quotation attributed to the Knights of Pythagoras goes, "A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child." Think back. Remember how strong your father was in times of difficulty. While everyone else was losing heart, he restored sanity and order. He must have felt the stress just as much as anyone else did, but he never let go. Everyone looked to him for support. He simply waited for the storm to pass.

Disciplinarian Dad

He is no pushover either. Most parents have their strict streak; something that King George V highlighted in this tongue-in-cheek quote, "My father was frightened of his mother. I was frightened of my father and I am damned well going to see to it that my children are frightened of me." Have you ever wondered about the motivations behind your father's strict disciplinarian side? You may find some insight in this collection of quotes for Father's Day.

Fatherhood Is Not an Easy Job

Before you start grumbling about your father's idiosyncrasies, understand the challenges of his office. He cannot quit fatherhood. Put yourself in his place. How would you deal with a bunch of mischievous kids that are always up to trouble? The mewling baby becomes a wicked brat. In a few years, the brat grows into a rebellious teen. Nothing is easy about raising a child. Fathers constantly hope that their naughty little kid will eventually metamorphose into a responsible adult.

Why Fathers Act Tough

All through your childhood, when you resented your dad's iron rule, you'd think, "I will be a better dad and not be so rigid with my kids." Fast-forward to twenty years, when you have your own little ones. You realize that parenting is no mean task. You'd probably go back to picking parenting lessons from your parents, as you know these lessons turned you into a reasonably good human being.
20th-century pianist Charles Wadsworth must have experienced this first-hand. He said, "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong." If you are planning to expand your family, these Father's Day quotes will prepare you for the journey into parenthood. When the challenges of raising children get to you, turn to your parents for advice.

Daddy's Diligence Makes You a Winner

Usually, fathers have been typecast as the hard-to-please taskmaster, who is always pushing his children towards self-reliance. We forget one of the best qualities of fathers—they are unfailingly encouraging.
Despite his tough work schedule, father always finds time to teach and guide his children. Jan Hutchins said, "When I was a kid, my father told me every day, 'You're the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.'" Such inspiring quotations made by dad serve like a beacon of light on a dark day. American comedian Bill Cosby put it perfectly: "Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is "soap-on-a-rope." 

Fathers Set the Right Example

Some dads practice what they preach. They take on the role of fatherhood so seriously that they lead an exemplary life ​so that their children follow suit. It is not easy to follow every rule in letter and spirit. American author Clarence Budington Kelland wrote, "He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." Can you do the same for your children? Would you kick your bad habits so that your children pick up only the good traits?

Tickle Your Father's Funny Bone

Your old man also has a funny side. Share a few jokes and see how his eyes twinkle and his loud guffaws startle you. If your dad enjoys drinks, share some funny drinking quotes with him to add to the merriment. If you and your dad enjoy funny political quotes, you will like this one by Jay Leno: "A lot of controversy over this possible invasion of Iraq. In fact, Nelson Mandela was so upset, he called Bush's dad. How embarrassing, when world leaders start calling your father."

How Dads Cope With Grown-Up Kids

The most difficult experience for any parent is watching their kiddies grow up and fly the coop. In the TV show M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter said, "Having babies is fun, but babies grow up into people." As kids grow old, they expect to be given more freedom. Having always been around to protect his child from danger, dad finds it difficult to withdraw his protective shield. He cannot help but worry about the safety of his children. After all, in his heart, his child will always remain a child.
Fathers put up a brave front when their children marry or move out. They never let it slip that the change is devastating for them. If you are moving into a place of your own, make sure to let your old man know how much you adore him.
It is not easy being a father. If you appreciate the feelings of a father, make your dad proud of you. It is the best gift a child can give his father.

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Your Citation
Khurana, Simran. "Make His Father's Day Special With These Quotes About Dads." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Khurana, Simran. (2023, April 5). Make His Father's Day Special With These Quotes About Dads. Retrieved from Khurana, Simran. "Make His Father's Day Special With These Quotes About Dads." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 23, 2024).